Our Telephone Answering Services in Butte-Silver BowжCall Center Solutions Give You Total Flexibility and Control
Centracomm will provide you with a live answering service solution that delivers significant efficiencies, real cost savings and enhanced features that other answering services simply do not offer. Unlike most other answering services in Butte-Silver Bow, Centracomm personalizes the answering service experience to your company and your industry so that callers always encounter knowledgeable and professional customer service representatives and a 24 hour answering service.
Toll Free 800# A toll free number that you can advertise and call forward to and is available throughout the US and Canada.
- Automated On-Call Rosters No more messages going to the wrong person.
- We’ll Interface with your Company Website We interact and assist your callers as they navigate their way around your website.
- Custom Account Design Our on-site specialists will custom design answering services to meet your business requirements.
- Calls are Never Put on Hold We never put your callers on hold to answer another incoming phone call.
- Emergency Response Specialists We create emergency response telephone answering services with dynamic automated back-ups to ensure emergencies do not become disasters!
Live Operator Answering Services We have the fastest pick-up times in the answering service and outsourced call center industry.
- Multiple Message Dispatch Options Receive text messages via your pager, cell phone, email, fax or receive live calls directly to your cell or home phone.
- Specialty Call Screening More than just screening for urgent and non-urgent calls. At Centracomm, we believe in comprehensive contact center solutions, and we build the service to screen calls the way you want them screened.
- Voice Mail Service Features include simple push through options to a nationwide answering service and a live receptionist in an emergency.
- Medical, Legal, Small BusinessжWhether you need a HIPAA compliant answering serviceжfor a doctors office, a call center that understands legal terminology for law office support,жor simply need inbound call support for a small business then we have your solution at a price that makes sense. We offer bilingual services, order processing, appointment scheduling, and more!
Learn How We Serve Your Industry